Version 25.02.26
Added Sena and Juri alts.
I got tired of filling the owned GEAR table in the wrong tier order compared to in-game, so I fixed the tier order without consent from other /bag/gots. Not gonna bother fixing the BT/TN/Ooparts yet because that's annoying to fix.
Exporting a save compatible with Justin won't download a json anymore (no support for it there). And gear max stats get reduced to what Justin's accepts (currently from 10 to 9, so you don't get asked to discard changes just for clicking any gear input there)
Known Issues:
Resources table doesn't seem to accept shift+tab to go back a cell.
Still need to remove students that Justin's doesn't have when exporting with that option
Version 25.02.13
Moved the Limit Break box in the student editor window to the top right, since that space was empty. Added a checkbox to ignore LB mats when computing the total/character resources.
Added a button to select all students when adding them. Might save newfags a few clicks.
Fixed the owned mats table not properly tabbing between cells or not tabbing at all.
Reverted portrait images to webp to use less data. orz, sorry anon with the anti-webp extention...
Known Issues:
IDK how but students' data can get corrupted in the save, it may have happened between versions that I fucked something up or importing/exporting from/to Justin's the non-compatible save. The page now throws an error when trying to save/close a bugged student. Just delete and re-add her to fix the issue. Sorry, too lazy to figure out why that happened.
Version - Some small stuff
Export save: Now downloads a json file too. Added a way to export a file compatible with Justin's, which doesn't have datamined chars, bondgear nor limit break data.
Import save: You can now import from a json file, either selecting or drag&dropping.
Sorting: Now you can list students who have bondgear (but not necessarily with it unlocked/leveled) at the top. Good to see who to bond with next.
Also added sort by sum of Limit Break levels (sum of current or target levels), to make it easier to locate chars you don't want poluting the resource table.
Limit Break: Now visible on portraits.
Bondgear: Now visible on portraits of the relevant students; reverted bondgear minimum level to 0, so the tier displayed on the portrait makes sense.
Known Issues:
- I fucked up last time and the default bondgear tier was set to 1 instead of 0, so if you used this tool before this patch, all of your students with unchanged BG will have theirs at T1 until you manually change them.
- The high amount of mats needed for Limit Breaking can kinda pollute the resource table. Should add an option to ignore LB mats
Version 25.02.09
Somehow, I found a retarded way to add limit break mats. It's janky, but it just werks! Or so I think... I hope it didn't break anything else again.
Added LB mats and Gifts (for bond gear only) to the Resource table
Known Issues:
Limit break workbooks kinda break the mats order in the student's edit window... fixed on 25.02.10
- With the extra options, the layout of the student stats editor might need some tweaking...
- Gift tracking doesn't list the amount of gifts needed to increase bond ranks. yet.
Version 25.02.07
Somehow, I found a retarded way to add bond gears. It's janky, but it just werks! Or so I think... I hope it didn't break anything else.
Known Issues:
Bond gear mats don't include gifts, because I'd need to find a way to add it to the Resource table... >fubuki.jpgfixed on 25.02.09
Version 25.02.06
- Forked. Version number will be based on date (YY.MM.DD), to make it easier to know when it was last updated.
- TO LOAD YOUR DATA FROM JUSTIN, USE THE EXPORT FUNCTION THERE AND THEN IMPORT IT HERE by clicking on the "Transfer" button at the bottom of the page.
- Added CODE:BOX students and T10 gear. I can't into datamines and too lazy to code a crawler/converter, so I'm not gonna bother adding icons for skills and elephs. I'm pretty much only adding the mats and char portraits needed for the resource/gear planner to work. For anything else, check the wiki (please do so and tell me if I fucked anything up).
- Tried removing analytics/cloud (or commenting them out). Only way to save is local (automatic, per device) or manually export/import the json text... Sorry, no cross-platform cloud saves.
- Changed student portraits from webp to png. I'm too lazy to convert Wiki's png to webp. Sorry if the performance on your device suffers from this, it can't be helped.
- Removed April fools stuff. Don't want to have trouble with someone else's art...
- Disabled language selector. Shit's broken in other languages.
Known Issues:
- Don't trust the gear planner's list of farming stages. Drop rates might not have been updated yet.
- Heads up that if the game adds a new mechanic in the future, I probably won't be able to implement it here. Like, tacticool Hoshino's multiple roles doesn't really change anything, but IDK what to do if it did...
Bond gear never ever?
Below this is the original (Justin's) changelog.
Version 1.4.11
- Added 7 new students Chiaki, Satsuki, Mari (Idol), Mine (Idol), Sakurako (Idol), Noa (Pyjamas) and Yuuka (Pyjamas)
Version 1.4.10
- Added 4 new students Marina (Qipao), Tomoe (Qipao), Reijo and Kisaki
Version 1.4.9
- Added 12 new students Midori (Maid), Momoi (Maid), Serika (Swimsuit), Moe (Swimsuit), Kanna (Swimsuit), Fubuki (Swimsuit), Kirino (Swimsuit), Atsuko (Swimsuit),
Hiyori (Swimsuit), Saori (Swimsuit), Hoshino (Battle) and Shiroko Terror
- Added T9 3rd slot gear, and updated gear optimiser to include T9 missions for farming
- Added Hardmode nodes for missions 24-26
Version 1.4.8
- Added new students Airi (Band), Kazusa (Band), Yoshimi (Band) and Kirara
Version 1.4.7
- Added sort options matching ingame default order (Thai ordering for student names needs to be fixed, and Simplified Chinese needs to be checked)
- Added buttons in character modal to quickly navigate next
- Removed animations for character modal closing / opening
- Changed Save and Close button on character modal to just Save for using with the quick navigation buttons, but holding Control + clicking save will now close
Fixed Issues
- Remove star limit on bond for editing characters to resolve issue with base 3* characters being limited to 10 bond
Version 1.4.6
- Added 5 new students, Akari (New Year), Aru (Dress), Kayoko (Dress), Tsubaki (Guide), and Umika
- Updated raid videos page with JP / Global total assault raids up to current day
Version 1.4.5
- Moved control panel to docked on the left side by default (option to pop out as floating window still)
- Added keyboard shortcut for the control panel (Shift + number)
- Added slider for making character boxes smaller to fit more on the screen
- Added leftover gear parts -> xp calculation on the leftover tab in the gear modal
Version 1.4.4
- Added 4 new students, Ibuki, Makoto, Ako (Dress) and Hina (Dress)
- Updated level cap to 90
- Added T9 gear (first two slots)
- Fixed rates of gear used in gear farming optimisation for lower stages
- Added CN server toggle (also uses old gear rates)
Version 1.4.3
- Added bulk editing feature (finally lol)
- Added floating controls box, later will remove the now unneccesary buttons like "Add Characters", there will also be keyboard
shortcuts later for the available controls
- Cleaned up character page UI slightly
- Activated new event
Version 1.4.2
- Added 5 new characters, Kikyou, Renge, Eimi (Swimsuit), Kotama (Camping) and Hare (Camping)
- Increased T1/2 TN cap to 9999
- Added 2 new artifacts
- Updated global max stage to 23
- Updated character global max/target button values
Version 1.4.1
- Added 7 new characters, Ichika, Kasumi, Misaka Mikoto, Saten Ruiko, Shokuhou Misaki, Shigure (Hot Spring) and Yukari
- Added Simplified Chinese translation by factistel
Version 1.4
- Added Raid Videos page, can submit a raid video link and fill in the students / score etc, then it will update from submissions hourly
- Comments section will be added later for each raid video submission
- Optimised Resource Planner page loading speed
Version 1.3.19
- Added 9 new characters, Shiroko (Swimsuit), Hinata (Swimsuit), Ui (Swimsuit), Hanako (Swimsuit), Koharu (Swimsuit),
Mimori (Swimsuit), Kotori (Cheerleader), Meru and Momiji
- Had to make some internal code changes, there could be bugs, let me know if so
- Translations of Character Name / Skills are not up to date for Korean/JP like normal, will be updated soon, need to fix a bit more code
Version 1.3.18
- Added 4 new characters, Minori, Miyu (Swimsuit), Miyako (Swimsuit) and Saki (Swimsuit)
Version 1.3.17
- Increased accuracy of event planner for Valentine Patrol rerun (now includes currency from Wakamo Invasions)
- Fubuki eleph rewards should be slightly higher, and min clear energy needed should be much lower
Version 1.3.16
- Enabled event Valentine Patrol rerun
Version 1.3.15
- Added option to set carryover energy for event planning
- It will be excluded automatically when using Owned currency tab for mid-event calculations
Version 1.3.14
- Japanese translation done by Gedanke
Version 1.3.13
- Enabled 2 more events, NY 2 and NY 1 rerun
- Updated cafe max level to 8
- Updated mid event calculations to calculate energy based on remaining resets (this is based on the system clock, so if your device has the
wrong time set it will cause issues calculating energy).
- This should currently slightly underestimate remaining energy, as it currently calculates based on remaining resets
- Will look at updating in future to include partial days worth of energy generation also (and input for current held energy)
Version 1.3.12
- Added option to exclude certain stages from farming on Event Planner
- Added functionality to set currently owned currency and remaining shop purchases, for recalculating needed runs during event
Version 1.3.11
- Added new students Rumi and Mina
Version 1.3.10
- Indonesian translation done by sneK
- Events list when hovered will show reward previews for the main event rewards
Version 1.3.9
- Added 3 new events, (and 5 partially complete, currently disabled)
- Added new student Reisa
Fixed Issues
- Popups for displaying characters using X artifacts / credit etc would go off the screen with too many students
Version 1.3.8
- Thai translation done by TKRotund
- Installable web applet version available
Version 1.3.7
- Korean translation done by 레후 (leopardgekko)
- Typing when in character select will autofocus to the search input (either when adding to main page or selecting for team)
- Added new characters Kaho, Toki (Bunny), Aris (Maid) and Yuzu (Maid)
- Raised team limit in a group to 25 (given Torment can feasibly use that many)
- Added "Screenshot" button to generate an image with all the teams in a group, just right click or long press and save image
Version 1.3.6
- Added event "Get Set, Go!"
Version 1.3.5
- Added event "Bunny Chasers on Board"
Version 1.3.4
- Added new characters Koyuki, Kayoko (New Year) and Haruka (New Year)
- Added 2 new artifacts, Okiku and Atlantis
- Added T8 gear
- Added hardmode farmables from area 21 and 22
- Added students purchasable, Hanako with Raid Tokens, Koharu with Rare Raid Tokens, then S.Izuna, S.Chise and Nonomi with Expert Permits
- Updated max area for Global hardmode farming to area 20
- Added permanent toggle for enabling April Fools student portrait scribbles
Version 1.3.3
- Added ability to set minimum point target for event planning
- Added display of initial clear rewards / energy cost underneath stages table
Fixed Issues
- Initial clear rewards now include the non-first time rewards for each stage, as first run gives both initial rewards and non-first time rewards
(this is a pretty small adjustment)
Version 1.3.2
- Added event "Hot Springs Resort Daily Logs"
- Added event "A Cathedral Christmas"
- Added event "Magician of the Old Bookstore"
Version 1.3.1
- Added event "On Your Mark @ Millennium"
Version 1.3
- Released Event Planner, more events and features to come later
- Added new characters Sakurako, Nagisa and Toki
- Increased level cap to 85
Version 1.2.27
- Added new characters Mine, Mika, Kanna and Megu
Version 1.2.26
- Added new characters Fuuka (New Year), Haruna (New Year) and Junko (New Year)
Fixed Issues
- Gear farming energy cost calculation was not working correctly on Global mode when T7 Watch/Necklace/Charm were set as needed on any characters
Version 1.2.25
- Increased global servers max world to 19
- Added server toggle on gear farming energy button, to switch between stages available on JP or Global servers
Version 1.2.24
Fixed Issues
- Credit required for increasing student XP level was being overcalculated by up to 2x
Version 1.2.23
- Added new characters Serina (Christmas) and Hanae (Christmas)
Fixed Issues
- Couldn't click on material to see its users in one modal if the other was set to 'Owned'
- Gear XP and Credit calculations were off by like less than 1% from the real value
Version 1.2.22
- Added new characters Himari and Shigure
Version 1.2.21
- Added button "Move Group" in Teams Editor, can pick a new index to move the team to
- Added "Only Group" button to character list screen, clicking will switch to "Up to Group" mode, which will filter to all characters from
the first group in the list up to the selected one
- Updated Text Form output in teams editor to include UE info (and removed bond from it)
- Added owned resource count to hover of upgrade resources displayed in character modal
Fixed Issues
- Character might not appear to pick in teams editor under rare conditions
Version 1.2.20
- Added new characters Yuuka (Track), Mari (Track) and Hasumi (Track)
- Level cap set in resource modal is saved now (persists page refresh)
Version 1.2.19
- Added new character Akane (Bunny)
- Added button in resources modal to set a level cap for resource calculation, overrides individual characters target level if they are set higher
Version 1.2.18
- Changed Team name max length to 35 characters
- Changed max input for T2 Xp reports and gear orbs to 5 digit
- Default teams can now be renamed/deleted
- Ctrl+Shift+S will quicksave any changes
Version 1.2.17
- Added Switch to Leftover button to resources and gear modals
- Updated Hard Mode farmable characters with Area 20 for JP
- Updated gear farming optimisation with Area 20 gear
Fixed Issues
- Opening any modal would reset the page's scroll to the top
Version 1.2.16
- Added button in character modal for setting fields to max (for Global or JP values)
- Also added button in character modal for setting goal fields to max
Version 1.2.15
- Added new characters, Utaha (Cheerleader), Hibiki (Cheerleader) and Noa
- Increased level cap to 83
Version 1.2.14
- Added new character Kokona
- Added minimum AP required display in gear modal, clicking the AP rectangle shows a popup that
lists exactly how many runs of which stages is the most AP efficient way to farm
- Can also select 1x 2x or 3x Normal Mission campaign so it calculates based on doubled / tripled drops
- Tsurugi is now purchasable with JE Coins
Fixed Issues
- Clicking too quickly outside the character modal while it is opening caused it to freeze
Version 1.2.13
- Global now can farm Area 17 HM nodes
Version 1.2.12
- Added new characters Kazusa and Moe
- Shizuko can be bought with pvp coins, S.Hoshino with Mastery Certificates
Version 1.2.11
- Characters can now be added to team editor even if they aren't added to the planner
- Changed the team editor character select to the same multi selection as adding characters to planner
Version 1.2.10
- Added new character Saori
Version 1.2.9
- Adding characters is now a multi selection visual UI
Version 1.2.8
- Added support for other official in-game languages, Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Thai
- (Only English, Korean and Japanese have translations for all characters, Chinese and Thai are only translated for characters currently on global servers)
- (And I intend to translate all of the UI at some point also, if anyone that speaks one of these languages is interested in helping with that,
feel free to contact me on Discord, Justin163#7721, I can provide a google spreadsheet with all the phrases I need to translate)
- Updated some of the field validation behaviour to be less annoying (midokuni)
Fixed Issues
- After deleting a character, you couldn't open another without refreshing the page
Version 1.2.7
- Added Midori as purchasable with rare raid tokens, Momoi with raid tokens
Version 1.2.6
- Added 4 new characters, Hoshino (Swimsuit), Chise (Swimsuit), Izuna (Swimsuit) and Shizuko (Swimsuit)
- Updated skill descriptions for new characters
Version 1.2.5
- Clicking a resource or gear part in Remaining Needed or Total Needed mode will now display a list of characters that need that mat
- New Year Mutsuki and Aru eleph can be bought with Mastery Certificates
Version 1.2.4
- Filter groups are now collapsible (goldcrater)
Fixed Issues
- Team editor character options weren't updating upon adding a character to a team
Version 1.2.3
- Added Material filter (e.g. filter by characters that use Rohonc) (goldcrater)
Fixed Issues
- Star displays weren't updating correctly when saving changes to character
Version 1.2.2
- Added cloud save functionality (may be bugs, so do take care using it until I squish a few)
- First enter a username 5-20 characters long, and press "Register"
- Wait until a popup appears confirming the registration worked, and saves the Auth Key
- Now you can press "Save" to upload the save to the cloud, or "Load" to download from the cloud
- Load will replace the current data, so make sure you don't load old data instead of saving
- (Later it will warn you if the data being loaded will be older than the currently active data, but doesn't work like that yet)
- The "Login" button is for logging into the same cloud save on other devices or browsers etc, it will also currently replace active data
- (Later login button will get it's own API call and not force load data, but doesn't work like that yet)
- If something gets fucked up, a backup has been created first time loading the page after this update,
- So if your data dissapears, contact me on Discord (Justin163#7721) for instructions on how to recover from the backup
- Added white border around modals on dark mode
Version 1.2.1
- Added 3 new characters, Nonomi (Swimsuit), Ayane (Swimsuit) and Wakamo (Swimsuit)
- Code changes in preparation for multiple language options for the site
Version 1.2.0
- Added new inputs on character modal
- Owned eleph input, and character unlocked checkbox
- When character is not set as unlocked, the current stars are locked to the base, and the unlock cost in Eligma is added (for non limiteds)
- Eligma shop cost input for character's eleph
- Hard Mode sweeps input, with option to double max sweeps if pyro resetting, then can see how many days it would take to farm with average RNG
- Checkbox control of buying character shards with Eligma, or other relevant shop currency
- Displays how many shop resets will be needed based on the currency a character can be bought with
- Shows needed Eleph/Eligma/relevant currency needed at bottom of character modal
- Displays all the needed currencies on Resource Modal, remaining needed view
Version 1.1.7
- Added owned UE parts input, displays owned xp number
- Added required UE level xp shown on gear modal and character modal
- Credit needed now includes UE* upgrade and UE level upgrade credit costs
- Now displays boosted UE mood if current UE stars is set to 3 for a character
Fixed Issues
- Modals could be opened before all data had finished loading
Version 1.1.6
- Added new character Atsuko
Fixed Issues
- Casual Saya's artifacts were incorrect
Version 1.1.5
- Revamped UI for narrow screens (e.g. mobile devices)
Fixed Issues
- In some cases characters could be missing from list of options after importing data
- Character info wouldn't update on teams view when switching back to it after editing a character
Version 1.1.4
- Added skill descriptions when hovering the skill image, shows current and target values separated by '/'
Version 1.1.3
- New characters Hiyori and Misaki added
- T7 Equipment, lvl 80 characters implemented
- Added Arius mats
- Added Gear Xp display to character modal and total gear xp display to gear modal
- Owned gear stones input in gear modal
Fixed Issues
- Error was being thrown when trying to navigate in a direction that doesn't exist
Version 1.1.2
- Added many filtering options, press "Filters" button to view and use them (midokuni)
Fixed Issues
- Javascript was erroring on page reload after deleting default group
Version 1.1.1
- Added "Text Form" button to get a text version of the group investment information
Fixed Issues
- Setting borrowed Special unit in team editor was broken
Version 1.1.0
- Added Team Editor page, accessed from button in footer
- You can select a group from the default options, or use "New Group" to create another one with a custom name
- Once selected, (and while in Add/Move mode) you can press the "Add" slots to select from a list of your owned characters
- Selected characters will display in the team with the same data as on the main page
- You can also press "Borrow" from the add character modal to select a character to set as borrowed (if not already borrowed in the group)
- Press "Add Team" to add more teams to the group (max is arbitrary 6)
- There are self explanatory "Rename" and "Delete" group buttons
- To remove characters from a team, press the "Remove" button, and now clicking characters in a group will remove them,
or you can click the team name to remove the whole team
- In Add/Move mode, you can just drag characters around to swap them within or between teams
- Added filtering options, select a group and only the characters set in the team editor in that group will be displayed
- Added Enable/Disable All buttons, to quickly change all the characters, (it applies only to characters found by the filter,
so you can "Disable All", and then filter to a specific group and "Enable All" to enable characters from that group)
- Made raw owned xp number visible in resource modal
- Pressing 'm' while in an input field will now set it to the max value
Fixed Issues
- Saved data alert would close open input modals
- Xp inputs wouldn't clear properly when setting to 0
Version 1.0.12
- Added new character Tsukuyo
Version 1.0.11
- Target skill/gear/bond/level will now only show on character boxes if target is different to current for each
- Changed styling of displayed skill/gear etc levels on character boxes to have better contrast
Version 1.0.10
- Added display showing Raid Coins required to buy all remaining needed BDs/TNs/Secret Notes
Version 1.0.9
Fixed Issues
- Mimori and Marina didn't have any skill material data
- Number inputs could be set to values like "01" instead of being parsed to just "1"
Version 1.0.8
Fixed Issues
- Skill resources wouldn't calculate if current was set to 0
- Gear modal wouldn't scroll if overflowing
- Website wasn't working on safari (still looks a bit weird, but at least works on Safari 13.1.3,
didn't test lower than that)
Version 1.0.7
- Added new characters Michiru, Kaede and Iroha, as well as the new artifacts they use
- Added button in resource and gear modal to see Total Needed resources, instead of only Remaining
- Terrain Moods display added to character modal
- Changed UE star behaviour, now will automatically set normal star target to 5, instead of ignoring
- Inverted colour of skill icons when in light theme
- Inverted colour of theme change button
- Added text to resource/gear modal to display the current view mode
- Optimised tabbing order for resource input
Fixed Issues
- Some skill icons were missing
Version 1.0.6
- Added colour to info fields in the character modal
- Added skill icon and gear icon images to the character modal
- Added bond display to main screen character boxes
Version 1.0.5
- Added Gear modal, with needed bps calculation and owned gear input
Fixed Bugs
- Bottom of outline on resource count texts were missing
Version 1.0.4
- Characters can now be repositioned, either by holding shift and dragging on desktop, or cycling mode
button to "Move Mode"
- Added dark theme, use button on right of navbar to change theme
- Changed the way disabled characters are displayed, now also dimmed instead of solely grayscaled
- Modals can be closed with escape key now, and character modal by clicking outside the modal also
- If the character modal has unsaved fields, it will prompt before closing
- Rarity backgrounds added to resources in character modal (goldcrater)
- Added navigation for credit/xp/secret tech fields in resource modal
- Added navigation for character modal inputs
- Saved data structure was modified (midokuni)
Fixed Bugs
- Mode button was collapsing if on line by itself
- Character boxes container was too short to scroll down fully, covered by footer
- Ctrl+LeftArrow navigation was not selecting text in inputs
- Entering a letter/symbol into inputs would clear it on Firefox browser (perhaps also others)
Version 1.0.3
- Added total resource used display to character modal to reach target level (doesn't subtract owned
- Disabled 4th and 5th UE star in character modal for now, as it's not needed yet
- Changed the edit/disable mode button from being visible on mobile only to always visible (so the
disable feature is more obvious)
- Added update version to the save file, and notification for first time loading the site on a new
Fixed Bugs
- Owned xp reports weren't showing after page refresh
Version 1.0.2
- Added input navigation for resource tables, can use either Tab/Shift+Tab/Enter/Shift+Enter or
Ctrl+Arrows to navigate between inputs
- Added the ability to set sections in the character modal to predefined presets, clicking on the
section label brings up the choices
- Adjusted order of school mats on resource modal, to match default ingame sort
- Changed validation behaviour for target inputs, now sanitises the target to match current upon
moving focus from the input
- Changed sanitising behaviour when the value in an input is too long, now just blocks extra input
instead of setting to max value
- Updated the visuals of the character modal, it also expands to take full screen width on small
devices now instead of 80% width
- Added temporary tooltip on section labels and character boxes, to inform about ctrl+click to
disable, and presets
- Adjusted star colouring for displaying target star/ue on main screen, now dims target stars instead
of using separate colour
Fixed Bugs
- Displayed info on character boxes was not correctly in frame on mobile
- Owned materials and disabled characters weren't updating upon data import
Version 1.0.1
- Timing of notifications about target level being lower than current level adjusted to be less
- Added an extra button on mobile for disabling characters from calculation
Fixed Bugs
- Resources weren't calculating for skills set to target 10 and current >1
- Phaistos T2/3/4 couldn't be entered in owned resources
- Border width of character boxes was too thin on mobile
Version 1
Initial Publish